Tefillos.com - Daily Tefillos, Jewish prayers.  Parshas Hamon, Birchas Hamazon, etc.
 Ani Tefillah
Sefira Count (Eastern DST)
Day: 2
Hayom Shnei Yomim LaOmer
Midah: Gevura Sheb'Chesed
(Time now: 4/25/2024 5:49 PM)

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Bar Yochai [PDF].
If you cannot be there in person, send your prayers to Miron! 

Rebbe Shimon promised whoever increases the simcha on this special day Hashem will increase the simcha in their lives.

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who lived in the second century of the Common Era, was the first to publicly teach the mystical dimension of the Torahknown as the Kabbalah, and is the author of the classic text of Kabbalah, the Zohar. On the day of his passing, Rabbi Shimon instructed his disciples to mark the date as "the day of my joy".
The chassidic masters explain that the final day of a righteous person's earthly life marks the point at which all their deeds, teachings and work achieve their culminating perfection and the zenith of their impact upon our lives. So each Lag BaOmer, we celebrate Rabbi Shimon's life and the revelation of the esoteric soul of Torah.

Thousands of people have been helped through the merit of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai.

Even if you are thousands of miles away, you too can have a part in creating this simcha on Lag B'omer in Meron

Join Us in Meron and you will be blessed.




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