Daily Tefillos !


פרשת המן - Parshas Hamon:   Yerushalmi: One who recites Parshas Hamon every day is assured that his food will not be lacking.

ברכת המזון - Birkas Hamazon - Grace After Meals
מעין שלש - Me'en Sholosh - The Three-Faceted Blessings
תפלת השל"ה - Tefillas Ha'Sheloh - A Prayer composed by the Shloh Hakodosh to express the prayers of parents on behalf of their children.
תפלת הדרך - Tefillas Haderech - Prayer for a safe journey.
מנחה ומעריב - Mincha - Afternoon Prayers
אגרת הרמבן - Igeres HaRamban - The Letter From The Ramban To His Son.

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