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Sefira Count (Eastern DST)
Day: 15
Count: 2 Weeks & 1 Day
Hayom Chamisha Asar Yom
Sh'Hem Shnei Shavuos V'Yom Echad LaOmer

Midah: Chesed Sheb'Tiferes
(Time now: 5/8/2024 10:34 AM)

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Krias Shema Tefillas Ha'Sheloh Igeres HaRamban Asher Yotzar Tehillim Segulos Tefillas HaDerech Subscribe

Seguloh for Hatzlucha & Refuah - Tried and tested!.
Say these 8 chapters of Tehillim for Hatzlucha / Refuah. Prior to saying these chapters, say "Al Dass..." which is included on top of the chapters of Tehillim.





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